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List of Lathe Machine Operations

A Lathe machine can help to perform different machining operations such as knurling, drilling, turning etc. Lathe machine operations are not limited to only these. They can perform other machining operations too. Specials tools are required to perform these operations. Let’s deep dive into the top machining operations done on a lathe machine.


lathe machine operation

Types of lathe machine operations

Different types of lathe machine operations are –
  • Facing

  • Tapper

  • Parting

  • Grooving

  • Turning

  • Drilling

  • Boring

  • Reaming

  • Knurling

  • Spinning

  • Threading

  • Chamfering

Each of the lathe operation has got its own factors that need to be considered before doing the work. These factors should be used carefully so that one can avoid from mishandling and mishaps while performing any kind of lathe operation on a lathe machine. With every cut desired the speed, depth and feed of the lathe machine is changed for precision. The lathe machine operations are given below :

What is lathe machine ?

A lathe is a large machine that rotates the work piece about its axis of rotation and cutting is done using a non rotating singular cutting tool.

The cutting tool is hold stationary and the work piece is moved according to the desired cutting work. Metal working and wood turning are the common operations done in a lathe machine.

Some common lathe operations are drilling, knurling, turning, facing, grooving, parting, threading, boring, and tapping.

How lathe operations are done ?

The work piece is placed in between head stock and the tail stock. Lathe chuck supports the work piece. It is then rotated about its axis and then the cutting process starts. The chips fell into the bed of the lathe.

Several common products are produced with the help of lathe such as base ball bats, crankshafts, gun barrels, candle holders and much more.


Facing operation on a lathe machine is generally the first operation done in lathe machine process. Facing is the process removing metal from the work piece making it flat. Facing is a process where the work is rotated against a single point tool to make the end flat.

facing lathe machine operation



Tapper actually means making the work piece thinner or narrower towards one end.


In parting operation the tool is moved in or out of the work piece. Shallow cute leaves formed cut and deep cut will cut the unsupported part. To make the cut deeper the cutting tool is pulled out and transferred to the side for the cut and to prevent the tool from breaking.

Grooving is also same as parting.



Turning lathe machine operation is the process of removal of metal from the outer diameter of rotating cylindrical work piece. It is basically used to reduce the diameter of the work piece. Turning operation in general purpose is used to make base ball bats, candle stick holders and other cylindrical goods.


Drilling operation on a lathe machine is the process of making an initial hole in a work piece. It is then processed to another operations such as boring and reaming. Drill bit is used for this process.

drilling lathe machine operations


Boring process is performed to enlarge initial hole made by drilling process or to convert cylindrical hole to a tapper hole.

boring lathe machine operations


Reaming operation on Lathe Machine is carried out highly to finish the surface of a hole. The purpose of reaming is to improve dimensional accuracy and tolerance leaving smoother internal finish. A reamer enters the work piece axially through the end and it enlarges the existing hole to the diameter of the tool. Reaming removes a minimal amount of material. It is often performed after drilling to obtain both a more accurate diameter and a smoother internal finish.

grooving operation


Knurling is a common manufacturing process typically done on a lathe, where a pattern of straight, angled or cross lines is rolled into the metal. The pattern is usually a diamond shaped (criss-cross) pattern which is cut or rolled into the metal.


This pattern helps human hands or fingers to get a better grip on the knurled object than finish provided by the originally-smooth metal surface.


Metal Spinning is a process by which circles of metal are shaped over mandrels (also called forms) while mounted on a spinning lathe by the application of levered force with various tools.


Threading or thread cutting operation is done using a single point cutting tool to produces thread on a cylinder or cone. Thread is a helical structure used to convert between rotational or linear movement of force.

threading lathe machine operations


In chamfering operation on lathe machine only cutting edge is used at the corner of cylindrical shapes that used for stress relieving of the work piece. Chamfering is used in woodworking,glass cutting,architecture, and in CAD, and it’s also a useful tool for deburring.

reaming operation

These are the various operations performed on a lathe machine. Other operation also can be done on a lathe machine. Make sure to leave comment below if it helped you or if this needs any correction.


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